Welcome to the portfolio page. Here you can see various projects Interpotential has worked on, with or created. It doesn't contain everything I've ever done, some clients have chosen to keep the bragging rights about my work towards their clients to themselves.

A social tool inviting people to post blogs, articles, videos etc.. about the things they like.
- Type of project: Website

News and event promotion website with user community elements.
- Type of project: Website

The community add-on for the Eurovision Family of Events websites.
- Type of project: Website
Rocky Road

Webshop for Rocky Road, a record store specialized in Rock music.
- Type of project: Website
Hulshoff Online

Online catalogue and webshop for a chain of designer furniture stores.
- Type of project: Website

Basic company website.
- Type of project: Website
DELA Muziek

MP3 download store for DELA, a funeral-insurance company. In cooperation with TOOST Music.
- Type of project: Website

In cooperation with StudioConte.
- Type of project: Website
Comic Stripshop

The first and the biggest Dutch comic book store on the internet. or Comic Stripshop I've developed the webshop, which I still maintain a couple of hours a month.
- Type of project: Website
- Date: 2001 - present time
- Language: Perl

Basic website based on self-built easy to deploy CMS.
- Type of project: Website

esctoday.com is the most visited independent Eurovision related website in Netherlands, serving the need for news to fans, participants, broadcasters and everybody else.
- Type of project: Website
- Date: 2001 - August 2007
- Language: PHP